Absorption of magnesium compounds

Let’s count down with misbeliefs!

Did you know that there’s only a slight difference between the utilization of the different magnesium types (magnesium lactate, magnesium oxid, magnesium carbonate)?

1 The EFSA journal (2008) 883, 1-23.


Literature compared the utilization of organic and inorganic magnesium compunds in many publiactions.

Researches that were carried out based on publications appeared in the past 10 years prove that there’s only a slight difference between organic and inorganic magnesium compunds in terms of utilization.

Upwards the academic analysis EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) shares the view that organic and inorganic magnesium compunds have only a slight difference (’slightly more bioavailable’) in terms of utilization.


1Zur biologischen Vergleichbarkeit und biochemischen Wirksamkeit pharmazeutischer Magnesiumverbindungen Golf SW Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel 1999; 6 (4), 11-21;
C. Coudray, M. Rambeau, C. Feillet-Coudray, E. Gueux, J.C. Tressol, A. Mazur,Y. Rayssiguier: Study of magnesium bioavailability from ten organic and inorganic Mg salts in Mg-depleted rats using a stable isotope approach (Magnesium Research 2005; 18 (4): 215-23);
Sighart Golf: Pharmakokinetik und Bioverfügbarkeit von Magnesium-Verbindungen 11/2006. http://www.pharmazeutische-zeitung.de/index.php?id=889
Sighart Golf: Bioverfügbarkeit von organischen und anorganischen Verbindungen, 07/2009, http://www.pharmazeutische-zeitung.de/index.php?id=29065

2The EFSA Journal (2008) 883, 1-23: „In general, magnesium from organic magnesium salts was slightly more bioavailable than magnesium from inorganic salts in this study.”